Moving Day

September 24, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Hello, and welcome to my new photo site.

This is (so far) almost exactly the same as my old site, but my previous host wouldn't play nice with domains from the company I got from ... so I went searching for a better deal. My old site worked fine, but controlling the way the site looked was a little cumbersome. Lucky for me, I found Zenfolio.

I'd like to thank my previous host, (Smugmug), 1and1, and, whose deals I considered in the past week. I had a lot to consider.

One major change returning visitors will note is something you're reading right now: An integrated blog! I think that it'll help me keep the site in mind, and not let it (or my photography) go stagnant for too long... So it's going to be good for my work ethic. There's also a guestbook, which is kind of a throwback to the late 1990s, but I thought "why not?"

Another major change: Lots of new merchandise available! Mugs! Buttons! Framed photos! You name it, it sounds like it's offered here. I'm now also available to offer coupons. That's super exciting to me.

One huge change: I've got a business email address: [email protected]. Gone are the days of using my personal email for business. (And if you know me personally, I just want to say "no, I won't be giving up that other email address.")

So anyway! I hope you enjoy the refresh, and bear with me for a while as I'm probably going to tweak things til they look right. There will be some dust in the air for a little while.

Questions? Comments? Send me a note through the link above!



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