general housekeeping

November 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Hi everyone!

If you're coming from my new Instagram, welcome!

It has been a busy month here at Ian's Amazing Photos. There's so much to do to keep this site going, it's almost a full time job.

Since winter's coming, flowers are going to be hibernating for a while, so the floral aspect of the site may be slower for a while - but that's a great thing for my abstract photography (so long as we get enough rain in California to do what I'm thinking!) I have a lot of hope that things will turn out well. If not, I have a backlog of my previously unreleased work that I may ...make that will release.

I have been toying with candid street photography. I was anxious about doing it because I thought "what if I get in legal trouble with the person I take a picture of?" I have been reassured that if there's no reasonable expectation of privacy, I'm in the clear. If it's in the person's house or apartment, well, then and only then would I have a problem. I'm excited to toy around with the genre.

Also, I was talking to a friend about why I haven't done much portraiture work - and what it came down to was "I really haven't had the opportunity to practice." Seriously lame excuse, but there it is. The bright side? Zoré (who is also a photographer) was enthusiastic about it, and she has talked me into practicing. I couldn't be more excited, either! Watch this space for news, and before too long, there may be a brand new gallery on the site.

Lastly, once I figure out the system, there will be sales on all current merchandise for the holidays. Again, watch this space!

Take care, everyone, and Americans: don't eat too much on Thanksgiving!



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